The COVID-19 shock led to worsening government financing conditions, especially for entrepreneurship. In the global crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments have launched various measures since March 2020. Because of global risk factors that could put strong downward pressure on EME. The monetary and fiscal policies of emerging economies will be important to create potential safeguards through pre-financing programs to reduce financial constraints for entrepreneurship. Women entrepreneurship has been affected by the Coronavirus epidemic. Women entrepreneurs have to deal with the problems caused by this virus, both economically and in the family. Monetary and fiscal policies have played a pivotal role in supporting the growth of emerging markets at the onset of the epidemic, but as policies have intensified, these favourable winds have begun to blow in the opposite direction. Inflation has risen sharply in many emerging markets due to rising commodity prices (energy and food), base effects, the rapid reopening and rapid recovery of developed markets. In this article, to better track the future growth of women entrepreneurship in emerging economies, we outline the consequences of Covid alongside financial perspectives, commodity prices, and fiscal policies. It also focuses on gender and the effects of this pandemic focus on monetary and fiscal policies to carefully examine its implications for the development of women’s entrepreneurship.