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The article has as objective to analyze the model of the Administration for Sustainability Integrated as an administration technology that favors the perenity and the success of the organizations. It investigated the problem “how the Administration for Integrated Sustainability, while administration technology, based on the Theory of Entrepreneurship, impacts on the perenity and success of organizations?” As a method, literature and field researches in a universe of 1,700 industrial companies, 15,112 of services rendered, 17 hospitals and 03 universities. The sample data received statistical treatment, with analysis of variance, correlation and regression tests with stratified random samples and for accessibility. In the collection of data the technique was the questionnaire. The data received statistical treatment, with descriptive analysis, variance analysis, correlation tests and regression. Among the results and conclusions, the Rate of Entrepreneurs in Early Stage of Brazil, grew in the world ranking in 2014, 2015 and 2019, and that of Established Entrepreneurs, grew in 2014 and 2015, but decreased in 2019. In industrial organizations, it suggests that Administration for Integrated Sustainability favors the continuity of micro and small companies, and in public ones, productivity with efficiency, quality in the provision of services and satisfaction of society, with transparency, suitability and ethics, being relevant to society. Among the theoretical and methodological contributions, it expands the field of application of administration technologies in academy and organizations.