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In March 2015, China proposed the Belt and Road Initiative (OBOR) as its signature initiative to advance economic prosperity of the countries along the Belt and Road. The initiative promises economic development including entrepreneurial development and prosperity to mainly developing countries in Asia, Central Europe, and Africa.

Entrepreneurship drives economic change and innovation while at the same time expanding opportunity and unleashing the initiative of people. Entrepreneurs are crucial to building prosperous societies that deliver opportunity to all. Recent evidence however suggests that the entrepreneurial economy is faltering and a small group of giant companies dominate the global economy.

This paper seeks to critically appraise the possible effects of OBOR on entrepreneurship in developing countries along its route. Will OBOR revitalise entrepreneurship in developing countries or further intensify the dominance of the economy by a small group of giant companies. Empirical study indicates a high emphasis on large firms in the economic structure of OBOR countries (Novosak and Jurčík, 2018). This paper seeks to illustrate why OBOR is proving to be more of a Bane rather than a Boon to entrepreneurship in developing countries further promoting the dominance of the economy by big corporations.