CIK Book Publishing
CIK offers opportunities to authors in the domains of management sciences with a special interest in sustainable economic development globally. In doing so, we seek a broad range of views from around the world. CIK believes that books and monographs are the most effective means for transmitting knowledge cross-culturally and multi-generationally. Our aim, therefore, is to provide a broad and respected platform where authors can communicate with a wide range of readers from domestically and internationally. CIK believes that knowledge is power that can be used to enrich the lives of all in an equitable fashion. Initially publishing in English, expanding into other languages is a sought after option.
The transformation of communications technologies allows CIK to provide a wide variety of writers with the voice they need to articulate their messages. By doing so, its broad outreach initiatives and its social media platforms are enhanced in empowering ways.
CIK is dedicated to providing authors and researchers from throughout the world with a forum where they can articulate their views and share them globally. CIK is looking to reach a larger audience by employing recent mediums of communications and through vast CIK network. We strive to extend our reach into the new modern age of publishing.
Many worthy topics have not been adequately discussed because the target market is too small to attract a publisher. This is especially true when small, circumscribed groups and their special needs are examined. CIK seeks to provide a voice to those who deal with such topics. Although some topics are not “lucrative”, the people and communities who are effected have distinctive wants that need to be discussed and analyzed. CIK provides options to those who seek to do so. A format and publishing strategies involving eBooks that can be printed into hardcopies upon demand.
Aspiring authors should provide a three-page summary about their idea. We prefer authors’ response to below questions. We will try to respond within 6 weeks to your proposal during the review process. After proposal is accepted the relevant documents will be sent to you. For any question, please contact us
What are the overall goals and objectives of the book?
What are its strength and shortcoming?
Who are the target audiences and market?
Provide proposed Title and Table of Content and number of pages.
Provide a timetable for completing the book.
Submissions – Guidelines
Submit your proposal and manuscript in the following formats:
Single space and font 12 Times New Roman.
Submit a digital copy in Microsoft Word or PDF format.